Hockey is sport which requires skill, fitness and the ability to make changes in direction quickly.
As a result of this hockey has a high percentage of injuries. 

Some common hockey injuries include:

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) rupture
The ACL is an important ligament as its funtion is to help stabilise the knee. ACL ruptures are a common hockey injuries, especially in women. The injury occurs when the knee is twisted during a change in direction. The signs of this injury include knee pain, swelling, instability and difficulty walking. A loud pop may also be heard at the time of the injury. Play should be stopped immediately, and apply the RICE principle (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Rehabilitation with Sports Therapy or Physiotherapy is needed to help return to the hockey field.

Meniscus tears
The menisci are made up of two rings of cartilage located in the knee - the medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus. Their function is to absorb shock. However with constant twisting of the knee pain, swelling, difficulty bearing weight and inability to bend the knee can begin. 
When this happens play should stop the RICE principle should be again be applied and medical help seeked. Again Sports Therapy or Physiotherapy will be needed to help return back to play, but in severe cases surgery may be necessary to correct the issue then continuing onto rehabilitation.

Ankle sprain
This is a very common hockey injury which occurs when the ankle turns over causing the sole of the foot to turn inward. Damage is usually to the ligaments located on the outside of the ankle. Symptoms of an ankle sprain include ankle pain, swelling, stiffness, bruising and an inability to bear weight. Using the RICE principle followed by rehabilitation with a Sports Therapist or Physiotherapist is the best form of treatment.

Hamstring strain
A sudden, sharp pain at the back of the leg while sprinting or quickly changing direction can signal a hamstring strain. Other symptoms include pain while stretching the muscle, swelling and bruising to the area. There are different grades of hamstring strains, the symptoms ranging from mild to severe. In more severe cases, walking is greatly limited and crutches may be used.
The RICE primciple followed by rehabilitation is the best course of treatment.

Groin strain
A tear or rupture to any of the muscles lacated on the inside of the thigh constitutes a groin strain. This type of hockey injury results in groin pain ranging from mild to severe, grade 1 being mild, 2 moderate and 3 severe. Tightness may be felt in the groin area as well as pain when squeezing the legs together. 
In a grade 3 strain, a lump or a gap in the muscle may be felt. Rest and ice along with rehabilitation are whats needed to help return to the sport.

These are just a number of the ways that players can be injured while playing hockey. In many cases, injury can be prevented by warming up properly for the sport. 
Wearing the correct protective equipment help avoiding some of the contusions and fractures that occur in hockey.

Hannah Schofield 
HS Injury Rehab

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